With Blade Runner 2049, Denis Villeneuve takes on the unique atmosphere of the original movie and presents a detailed view of the injustice in the new world order. Ryan Gosling achieves a great acting performance as Officer K. Special difficulty in this movie was to adequately express the growing inner conflict of K as he is lacking in emotions due to his bioengineered nature.
Ermäßigt/Reduced: 3€
Regulär/Regular: 4€
Titel: | Blade Runner 2049 |
Produktion: | USA, UK, Hungary, Canada / 2017 |
Regisseur: | Denis Villeneuve |
Drehbuch: | |
Musik: | Benjamin Wallfisch, Hans Zimmer |
Kamera: | |
Schauspieler: | Ryan Gosling, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas, Harrison Ford |
Technik: | Farbe / 164 Minuten |
Trailer: | Youtube |